Thursday, May 9, 2013

Manny the elf

Hey guys, sorry i haven't written for a long, long, long time. So this story is about a small, small elf named Manny. He is a shy elf but very powerful too! It all started when he was born.Once upon a time there was a small boy  born on Monday 1:00 AM in Greenland. He was small, quiet, and had really rosy cheeks. His parents admired him so, so, so much, they thought he was so cute! When he was about 2 years old they noticed he was very small for his age. They took him to the doctors office and they said nothing was wrong. Then when he was 4 years old they noticed he had very pointed ears. They asked their neighbors if it was natural or just different. But all they said was it was different then their kids. Then when Manny was 10 his parents noticed he loved wearing green coats and striped shirts. Well they looked up little boy fashions on the Internet and noticed it was very different than what Manny was wearing. Then when Manny was 14 he took work shop class. And he brought home some amazing toys he made there. His parents noticed he was only two feet tall when he was 18. So the parents had no choice but to send him to collage in the North Poll where his uncle Nick live.So Manny took a plane to the North Poll, and went to a toy making collage where his uncle Nick had owned.Then one day Manny decided to take a short walk and came upon a gigantic crystal. "Hmm?" Wonder what this is for? he said confused. Then a glinting light came upon him and he felt a tingle. "Whaa?" What just happened? Then Many felt the erg to make lots, and ,lots of toys. So he ran back to college fast. There he made many toys and his uncle was proud of him. So Nick made Manny an official worker they call elves. "Elves?" asked Manny. "Ya, like little workers that deliver toys to good kids." said Nick. So there is more people who are like me? Yes! Really? Yeppidy yep yep! said Nick clicking his heals.
 Can i send a letter to my parents uncle Nick? Nick nodded his head.
Then Manny ran to grab a paper and pencil. And so he wrote the following:
Dear Mom and Dad, how are you. I'm doing great here at college, and uncle Nick made me
an official worker called an elf! Cool huh? Did you know there's thousands of other people like me here!
Just wait until you receive the gift i sent you,  i made it myself. Love, Manny.
(tune in for more.......Manny the elf  stories)