Monday, July 30, 2012

Friend B-day

 just me and two friends
watching movie Big Miracle

friend birthday party
we all came in pajamas

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ahhh Sundays

Today i didnt do much well ofcors becase its a sunday. Last night i dint have much time to do the post sorry.
 Well i had church today not much. Cool and ya. Oh and today let me tell you about my family.
I have 5 people in my familly i have my dad Stephen and my mom Kelly and a brother Jackson and another brother Collin and im the youngest Summer. Its been fun the last few days. And also check out when i was young at!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Today I'm nine aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
Today is my birthday. It was at 3:30 today, I'm finally nine.
I got these really cute headphones the big ones and it had hello kitty in jems on the side.  Who gave it to me ( grandma) I also got distance doodler ( dad) I got a cool room decoration  (mom) A mattress topper (whole fam) ONE DIRECTION MAGAZINE AND CD! (both brothers) I also had to go to two basketball games a family reunion and a wedding WOW! Well that's it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My Crazy Pets

Hey! Today's story is about my crazy animals. So I have this dog named Gizmo and he is so adorable but
he can be a big handful when it comes to vacations. And when you throw him a chew toy he
will run for it and skid on his claws then bump into the wall. Gizmo will bark at a pole he is such a yapper he is a shitzu maltese mix.
And next we have my crazy cat Boo. So Boo, well, she will scratch any furniture til it is all the way ruined.
Also, she sits on a chair like its a royal chair and she is the queen. Boo is the floppiest cat in the universe she will fall off a table and land on her side and stay there she is so lazy.
Well, that's all I have to say for my crazy animals today and right now I'm sitting with Boo typing this up.

          GIZMO                                         looks like my cat but isnt her

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Turning Nine

I can't believe I'm turning nine! My birthday is on July 28. Wish me a happy birthday because this girls nine.
I am so excited I am having a pajama party. Oh and happy birthday to anybody else that's had a birthday recently! All of my friends are older than me so I'm finally gonna catch up to them. Well.....