Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Life Of Highschool 2

Hey guys I'm back, I'm gonna get back to the story after i tell you this. My mom is on a trip with my dad to Mexico,there going there on a cruse ship.The fun thing is i get to stay with my dads mom for two days,and stay with my moms mom for two days too! Well back to the story.
So they walked into the class room trying to act all gangster.
"Look at the new kid!" said a boy.
"Hey back of!" She's a good kid. said Becca. "This is are new kid." said their teacher. I'm not a kid! exclaimed Alex.  "Whats your name?" said a girl in the back of the class room. Alexes Sandersen. she said.
HAHAHAHAHAHHA! HA! HA! laughed a group of boys. Alexes,said one of the boys. Why isn't your name Alex?!?! said another boy. "I go by Alex!" said Alexes.
New school. she mumbled.
She took a seat next to Becca. After class she went to her locker. On her locker it said LOSER! Come on, Alexes said. They went to second period. Same thing happened....... HA HA HA HA HAAAA!
Third period....HA HA HA HA!
fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh period....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finlay, home!
"How was your day?" said mom. "Lets just say,I officially hate school." Alexes said frustrated. She went over to Becca's house.
Tune in for more............... The life of highschool.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Life Of Highschool

Hey guys! So sorry i didn't post for a long time.
       So today's story is about a girl named Alexes who always has visions and those visions
aren't happy.It all started when Alexes Barbra Sanderson was born. She was the first child her parents had.
                  She was a very curious girl. At the age of 6 she started art class in 1st grade.
                  Alexes was a very excellent drawer,painter, and clay creator.Her parents were very proud of her.
When she was 9 years old her mom gave birth to another child. It was her little brother Toren. 6 years later Alexes was now 15 years old. "I'm so excited to start driving!" said Alexes. "Don't speed!" yelled Toren.
                                              Don't yell, said Alexes and her mom at the same time.
                          Take Toren to his line for class. said mom. UUUUUGGGGG! said Alexes.
Alexes new every time she took Toren to the line for 1st grade Toren would talk,and talk,and TALK!
Toren started, so what did you think about first grade was it scary was it fun did you know anybody did you come your hair!?!?  Hu hu huh Alex? Here is your line twerp! mumbled Alex. Alex got back into to the car.
She drove to her school. She got out of the car and screamed!
It was the biggest school she's ever been to!
" Hey Alex," said a voice. It was her best friend since kindergarten! " oh my gosh is it really Becca?" claimed Alexes. At the same time they yelled.............. "YES!"
They ran up and hugged each other. Then suddenly Alexas had a vision.
She could see another version of Becca only evil!
Then the vision stopped........" Are you ok?" said Becca. "Yeah I'm alright," said Alexes. They went into the school. There were kids everywhere, all walking fast in the halls, it was like a busy street!!!
"Wow!" said Alexes. Is it always this crowded and loud?" "All the time." said Becca
"We better go to first class." said Becca. Alexes followed along.
You gatta act cool around the kids who are about to graduat. "Or els........." said Alexes.
Or els you will be on the not cool for school page. "page?" Alexes said confused.
All the big kids do news papers on the school and the kids.
"Ok act cool." Alex mumbled to herself. Then they walked into the classroom.........

 (Tune in for more of......... The Life Of  Highschool.)