Sunday, August 26, 2012

The life of Tim Leafe Othy

Hey guys, sorry i didnt write i went school shopping for me and my brothers. I promise i will try to write every day i have more time after school so i will write. By the way in coments tell me when does your school start. Mine starts tomorrow on August 27,2012. Well, this story is about school.
So.................. One fall day there was a boy named Tim Leaf Othy. His intail was TLO. But people call him Timothy. Any way he loves school, he wants to go to school every day. He loved every teacher he got even the strict ones. He would bring them presents, goodies and even school supplies. On the first day of school it was awesome for him he met new friends.Tim loved it. The next day it was the biggest day of the year it was movie, crazycookie, awesome hair, best model of car day! But the worst thing about it was........Tim was sick! Oh poor,poor Timothy. He was really mad so he trashed his room by throwing everything.He was so sick that he couldnt move!The next week he felt alot better. And he was happy that he could go to school. The next day at school some really mean boys scared me by putting something in my
 locker. And a guy got it all on his camera. And put it on the school tv. Here is how it went..........
i walked by my locker and opened it up and guess what popped out a tarantula i peeded my pants and it was so embarresing. Ever since that day i have allways have been scared of any spidder even the tiny ones on cartoons. And there is this girl i like in my class but i dont know if she likes me. I sorta dont know how to talk to a girl so i embarressed my self again. So i came up with a plan. i wrote a note that said "This is tempting to say allmost every day but i like u" From Timothy. And i past it on. but the last person to pas it to her was this dued who dosent know how to read. So that ment that he read it wrong to her. He said this is hard to say but u will have to pay becaus i hate u from Timothy. And then he asked her if she wanted to go out with him. I am so not liking school now. 7 grade is hard i just got into middle school and it is tuff. And now they are datting. By the way the girl i like her name is Jenna she is a gourgus girl and a great personallity. I love her so much. But she seemes to really in to robby who is the guy that cant read. I am really bumbed out. But to end this story quick i will just say........ I ended up being really close friends with jena and robbie moved on. I also ended up not scared of spiders and i am not considerd the class scardey pant. but every thing turned out perfect. Thats the end of the story of Tim Leafe Othy.Love, Summer
Stay tuned for more stories of the series of Tim Leafe Othy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Plum island

So sorry i didn't write while i was on my trip there was a LOT going on seriously! So much going on and i just didn't have time. So.............
I have a great story today. I made this story a long time ago. Ok.......

Once there was a magical island in a place called PLUMCORNER
on the far far far west that was so small you couldn't see it.
But it actually was really big if you went there.
It had trees that looked like huge plums.
Every body was nice and cheerful.
And I was the plum-presidents
Oh and did I mention my name is Summerplum
and the plum president's name was Collinplum.
Every body seems to have plum at
the end of their name.
That's why I wanted to tell you this story, it's about how I stood up to that. I didn't want every body to always have to
listen to orders so here's what happened.......
One day I went over to the president Collinplum and told him it's not fair that we have to follow what ever you say we want a free island.
Collinplum said he would think about it. I was excited!
That night when I was in my room sleeping I dreamed about fighting for freedom and Justice. And I was the head leader and we won the fight and we all got are official birth certificate and not the once with plum at the end.
So the next day I went over too the president and asked him again he said ….................. NO!!! I was very disappointed in him. So the next day. I got a very big ladder and asked for every person to come listen to the speech I was going to say. This was what i said................    "I will not put up with having to do  what ever he says." He cant tell us what to do, we all want a free land right. YA! That week we all took big posters and yelled "we want freedom" We want freedom! We did it all night and all day for three days  Collinplum finally couldn't stand all of the chaos of all the calls and complaints. So they got a new president and he didn't tell us to do all these cruel things and we got our nice full of freedom island.      THE END!
Well that's my story for today!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summers Daily Adventures

Todays story isnt gonna be as long as the other ones. So.......
This is a true story. Once upon a time there was a girl that was nine years old her name was................
Summer. She now goes to California every summer. And Today Summer is leaving to California for her trip.
SUMMER IS SO EXITED TO GO TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS AND SEA WORLD! So she is going to write every day until she gets back from her trip. Summer has alredy packed for her trip she is leaving about maybe at 3:00 today. She is going to be writting about what she did that day.

So she hasnt left yet but she will soon. I know its not much today but tune in for the next story of the tales of ... Summers daily adfentures. ;)
Love summer

Monday, August 13, 2012

Griffin story

So today im gonna do a short true story. Here it goes. So my cousin griffin he comes and reads my stories now. And he has his own blog too! its called! he also has a website called........ He said in a coment that my stories inspired him to start writting stories on hhis blog.
My brother and i were on the kennect vidio chatting with him.
I guess we both just like writting. When i grow up one of my choices is to be a author and also illistrator i love art.
I know its not much today but i will whrite a story tomorow.
Oh and my brother Collin writes on griffs blog check it out.
love,summer                                   Cool disign ^

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sprite Village

Once upon a time there was this tiny village called sprite village and everyone there always wondered why the tiny place was called sprite village. Well, you think about that wile the story goes on.
Now everybody that lives there is magical, the place is magical and fairies live there, goblins, dragons+
these things called griffins that are lions with wings. Everything there is magical. When you walk in everything is so wonderful.
Its awesome!
And there was this kid named Jordon and he was 15. He didn't really like the village.
And he only stayed on video games its like he was pixelated.
He didnt see the outside world. The fun outside nature. So he disided to move in with his friend Boby who lives out of the village. He told his parents and he paked then left off to his friends house.
Jordon hade a little sister Ellen. She would always tell the girls he likes all of the embaressing things about him like sleeping witha dollie named Mr. Cuddles, and his amaginary friend Zeny. So Ellen desided ive teased him enough now i need to do the ultimit embaresment.So Ellen didnt know that Jordo left to move in with his friend so she was really confuesed. So she asked her parents where he was thay told her the story and she was mad. but she got him tocome to the tallent show that week. (next week) So Ellen got him to come and sign up for the tallent show. They were gonna do an act together. And Ellen invited a bunch of girls to come and watch the tallent show. Here we go sing the duet. I love ponies and im not a phoney because i have my own fairie land..... bubble gum and lollypops  i love them oh so much and my balet cass too. And then Ellen pansted him and all the girls saw his rainbow carebears boxers. Hahahahahahahhaahahhaaaa! He was so embaressed. 3:(
He relised that he dosent have to be cool he rather be out and having fun with his family.
Love, Summer
And the reson the village was called sprite village because when Jordon was the mayor they called him sprite because he always drank sprite and he peed his pants when he was embaressed so they named the village sprite village. Tune in for another great story tomarow!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Story Time

So today I thought that i will start doing my stories. So I am going to just make it up randomly. As I am going. uuuummmmm? Aaaaaaa. Ok so once upon a time there was a land called chimmy chonga island.
And everyone there ate chimmy chonga's and they all wore simaler out fits that are sunbraros,a pauncho, and skinny jeans. They all ride hippopautamus to school every day. The languige there is much different it sounds like this. Gurglei owunph enru yunshmeer... (translate) hi how are you. And another
funky thing about there culter is insted of having a dog its a wierd looking thing that i will discribe to you. It looks like a docter suess charecter only half alien. And once there was a girl named Jinny and she  wanted to explor the other countries but she couldnt understand how to fly a plane over to the places
and she was only four years old. This is wear everyone would in a movie would go aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww. As i was saying, she had dreams wear she would fly across the whole world and stop in every single place and learn about what they do in that country.
Her whole life she always wanted to fly at least somewhere. Her number one place she wanted to go to was America. She wanted to see what other people wear do they have to wear the same cloths?
Well, she went up to her parents and said.... "Can i expor da wowld"
And her brother Ethan came over and said "Yo sis you gatta hike up ur skirt and fly" And her brother was 12.
And she said "wew i dont no how do fwy."
Her parents said  we have to go on vacation to do that but we cant aford to go on a trip. She was sad.
Her parents tucked her in bed and she went to sleep. And all night Jinny was tossing and turning because she couldnt stop thinking about how to figur out to get more money to go on vacation. The next morning she woke up and ran out side with a table and sign. She........
Started up a lemonade stand. she got lots of money. But not enough to be able to go on a vacation. =(
She grabed all the lemonade money, asked her brother for some, and asked her parents if she can barow a few.
She counted the money but she just needs 50$ to have enough.

At school they had a cool anouncment that if someone from the school can cellect at least 500 empty cans or water bottles they will win 100 dollers. She entered the contesed and tryed as hard as she could to win.
But sadly............ SHE WON! Yay! she was able to go on the trip to America and save 50$.
Well, thats a good ending. hu? Thats it for today.
Love, Summer

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Hey guys and gals sorry i haven't written for a wile. I had a little break.
So your probably wondering why this title is called wicked. well, wicked is a play a very cool play.
Wicked is the story before the Wizard Of Oz. so the main characters of wicked are elphaba and galinda.
In the wizard of oz there is a magical women that flys down in a bubble in the wizard of oz. That's galinda.
and elphaba is the wicked witch that Dorthy goes to and melts her. Really elphaba want wicked before.
Ephaba was a nice smart girl but everybody was scared of her because she was green. Now i cant tell u how she was green ill tell u after u read this whole thing. its a long story. But u just have to go to the play when it comes back to Utah.
These actors do two plays everyday for years. You just have to see it but it cost 110 dollars a person.


But i went to it on August 4 here in Utah. It comes to all different places so u can see it. it was the best play I've ever seen. some parts are startling though. Here it goes shes green because her father gave her mother a green drink that made elphaba green. I guess that's it.
Love , Summer

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Brother's Scout Camp

So my two brothers and my dad just left to scout camp. At scout camp they go fishing,hiking,sitting around the camp fire. I havent't been there but my moms told my about it.
So one of my brothers Jackson he is on the computer all the time all day all night.seriously
And that means i get the computer for two whole days i know it seem like its not that many days but if you wake up every mornig and walk by the computer and see a person every day all day then you would think it's a lot off hours on the computer. I guess thats all i have to say.

Love, Summer

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Piano Guys

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. Now I am going to start my stories. And share them with you.
So i don't have a story today but a guy in my school class and his dad is the sound effect guy for a really cool group of guys called the Piano Guys.if  you have ever heard of them leaf a comment below.
So they are sorta a band because, they all play an instrument. There's a chelo,a piano, and lots of other instruments. They have a couple of Cd's pretty cool. I geuse there is only one thing left to say.
Check out the Piano Guys on YouTube!!!!!!!! ..

Love, Summer