Sunday, August 26, 2012

The life of Tim Leafe Othy

Hey guys, sorry i didnt write i went school shopping for me and my brothers. I promise i will try to write every day i have more time after school so i will write. By the way in coments tell me when does your school start. Mine starts tomorrow on August 27,2012. Well, this story is about school.
So.................. One fall day there was a boy named Tim Leaf Othy. His intail was TLO. But people call him Timothy. Any way he loves school, he wants to go to school every day. He loved every teacher he got even the strict ones. He would bring them presents, goodies and even school supplies. On the first day of school it was awesome for him he met new friends.Tim loved it. The next day it was the biggest day of the year it was movie, crazycookie, awesome hair, best model of car day! But the worst thing about it was........Tim was sick! Oh poor,poor Timothy. He was really mad so he trashed his room by throwing everything.He was so sick that he couldnt move!The next week he felt alot better. And he was happy that he could go to school. The next day at school some really mean boys scared me by putting something in my
 locker. And a guy got it all on his camera. And put it on the school tv. Here is how it went..........
i walked by my locker and opened it up and guess what popped out a tarantula i peeded my pants and it was so embarresing. Ever since that day i have allways have been scared of any spidder even the tiny ones on cartoons. And there is this girl i like in my class but i dont know if she likes me. I sorta dont know how to talk to a girl so i embarressed my self again. So i came up with a plan. i wrote a note that said "This is tempting to say allmost every day but i like u" From Timothy. And i past it on. but the last person to pas it to her was this dued who dosent know how to read. So that ment that he read it wrong to her. He said this is hard to say but u will have to pay becaus i hate u from Timothy. And then he asked her if she wanted to go out with him. I am so not liking school now. 7 grade is hard i just got into middle school and it is tuff. And now they are datting. By the way the girl i like her name is Jenna she is a gourgus girl and a great personallity. I love her so much. But she seemes to really in to robby who is the guy that cant read. I am really bumbed out. But to end this story quick i will just say........ I ended up being really close friends with jena and robbie moved on. I also ended up not scared of spiders and i am not considerd the class scardey pant. but every thing turned out perfect. Thats the end of the story of Tim Leafe Othy.Love, Summer
Stay tuned for more stories of the series of Tim Leafe Othy.

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome story! My school started on aug, 22 i think. I dont really remember
