Thursday, August 9, 2012


Hey guys and gals sorry i haven't written for a wile. I had a little break.
So your probably wondering why this title is called wicked. well, wicked is a play a very cool play.
Wicked is the story before the Wizard Of Oz. so the main characters of wicked are elphaba and galinda.
In the wizard of oz there is a magical women that flys down in a bubble in the wizard of oz. That's galinda.
and elphaba is the wicked witch that Dorthy goes to and melts her. Really elphaba want wicked before.
Ephaba was a nice smart girl but everybody was scared of her because she was green. Now i cant tell u how she was green ill tell u after u read this whole thing. its a long story. But u just have to go to the play when it comes back to Utah.
These actors do two plays everyday for years. You just have to see it but it cost 110 dollars a person.


But i went to it on August 4 here in Utah. It comes to all different places so u can see it. it was the best play I've ever seen. some parts are startling though. Here it goes shes green because her father gave her mother a green drink that made elphaba green. I guess that's it.
Love , Summer

1 comment:

  1. That's it'. I am going to see Wicked the very next chance I get. You should be a play or movie critic! And I think you are just like Galinda.....kind of floating in a bubble of happiness and joy all the time! xxoo
