Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Plum island

So sorry i didn't write while i was on my trip there was a LOT going on seriously! So much going on and i just didn't have time. So.............
I have a great story today. I made this story a long time ago. Ok.......

Once there was a magical island in a place called PLUMCORNER
on the far far far west that was so small you couldn't see it.
But it actually was really big if you went there.
It had trees that looked like huge plums.
Every body was nice and cheerful.
And I was the plum-presidents
Oh and did I mention my name is Summerplum
and the plum president's name was Collinplum.
Every body seems to have plum at
the end of their name.
That's why I wanted to tell you this story, it's about how I stood up to that. I didn't want every body to always have to
listen to orders so here's what happened.......
One day I went over to the president Collinplum and told him it's not fair that we have to follow what ever you say we want a free island.
Collinplum said he would think about it. I was excited!
That night when I was in my room sleeping I dreamed about fighting for freedom and Justice. And I was the head leader and we won the fight and we all got are official birth certificate and not the once with plum at the end.
So the next day I went over too the president and asked him again he said ….................. NO!!! I was very disappointed in him. So the next day. I got a very big ladder and asked for every person to come listen to the speech I was going to say. This was what i said................    "I will not put up with having to do  what ever he says." He cant tell us what to do, we all want a free land right. YA! That week we all took big posters and yelled "we want freedom" We want freedom! We did it all night and all day for three days  Collinplum finally couldn't stand all of the chaos of all the calls and complaints. So they got a new president and he didn't tell us to do all these cruel things and we got our nice full of freedom island.      THE END!
Well that's my story for today!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'm not big on names that end with 'plum' either! Good story.
