Saturday, August 11, 2012

Story Time

So today I thought that i will start doing my stories. So I am going to just make it up randomly. As I am going. uuuummmmm? Aaaaaaa. Ok so once upon a time there was a land called chimmy chonga island.
And everyone there ate chimmy chonga's and they all wore simaler out fits that are sunbraros,a pauncho, and skinny jeans. They all ride hippopautamus to school every day. The languige there is much different it sounds like this. Gurglei owunph enru yunshmeer... (translate) hi how are you. And another
funky thing about there culter is insted of having a dog its a wierd looking thing that i will discribe to you. It looks like a docter suess charecter only half alien. And once there was a girl named Jinny and she  wanted to explor the other countries but she couldnt understand how to fly a plane over to the places
and she was only four years old. This is wear everyone would in a movie would go aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww. As i was saying, she had dreams wear she would fly across the whole world and stop in every single place and learn about what they do in that country.
Her whole life she always wanted to fly at least somewhere. Her number one place she wanted to go to was America. She wanted to see what other people wear do they have to wear the same cloths?
Well, she went up to her parents and said.... "Can i expor da wowld"
And her brother Ethan came over and said "Yo sis you gatta hike up ur skirt and fly" And her brother was 12.
And she said "wew i dont no how do fwy."
Her parents said  we have to go on vacation to do that but we cant aford to go on a trip. She was sad.
Her parents tucked her in bed and she went to sleep. And all night Jinny was tossing and turning because she couldnt stop thinking about how to figur out to get more money to go on vacation. The next morning she woke up and ran out side with a table and sign. She........
Started up a lemonade stand. she got lots of money. But not enough to be able to go on a vacation. =(
She grabed all the lemonade money, asked her brother for some, and asked her parents if she can barow a few.
She counted the money but she just needs 50$ to have enough.

At school they had a cool anouncment that if someone from the school can cellect at least 500 empty cans or water bottles they will win 100 dollers. She entered the contesed and tryed as hard as she could to win.
But sadly............ SHE WON! Yay! she was able to go on the trip to America and save 50$.
Well, thats a good ending. hu? Thats it for today.
Love, Summer


  1. Hey sum that was a great story! Keep writing stories your great at it! Also What did you use to draw? Your pictures are awesome.

  2. Hey griff um thx and also I went on one it also has lots of games that r fun u should go to it!
    I am going to a lot of other stories

  3. Oh sweet I will try onemotion! thx
